PBTS Report 2016 by Program Students

2nd batch students

TCDD(Environment) Team
Our project target is to develop portable dioxin detector. Our research interest is focused on biosensor, which is expected to give simple method for analyzing dioxin compounds in the environment. We are working on a fast and low-cost method for detecting the most toxic dioxins at high sensitivity. Our current activity is concentrated on the design and analysis of candidates for sensor compounds using computer simulation, in order to maximize the sensitivity and selectivity to dioxins. Experimental approach is now in preparation with some sensor materials. Regularly we have weekly meetings on Friday as the PBTS I class and take opportunity to present at scientific conference for further progress. Although we sometimes feel difficulty in discussion in English language, the class is really exciting and worthwhile to all of us.

1st batch students

Anti-Aging Team
Anti-aging properties of green tea extract:
In collaboration with a tea factory and a tea company, we intended to design a new kind of tea with improved anti-aging properties. Having learnt the tea manufacturing processes such as steaming, brewing and leaf rolling, we have analyzed the effect of the process of conditions on the content of ingredients in the leaves.

Education Team
Cultivation of high school student’s logical thinking through programming:
Our project was aimed at cultivating students’ logical thinking ability through programming. To see what is needed by students and teachers, we visited several schools and the MEXT. Then we developed a tool and a set of instructions that help novice programmers. We also studied the literature on education theory. As an output of PBTS I, we designed a half-day class on programming for high school students. In future work, we plan to teach our class at high schools, as well as develop teaching materials and evaluation methods.

Synchronization Team
The effect of collagen on aggregating pattern formed in cultured skin fibroblasts:
Skin fibroblast is the major cell responsible for skin (connective tissue) production, whose collagen is an important component. We have tried to find factors that influence the patterns by analyzing the experimental images of fibroblasts cultured on collagen-coated dishes with different concentrations, and by comparing the experimental data with the simulation results based on a physical model. We are expecting that this approach of pattern-affecting factors can be applied to estimating the effect of new cosmetic ingredients on the skin.

Water Team
Proposal of new water treatment system to purify oil-contaminated wastewater using enzyme:
We contrived a new system to realize the effective treatment for oil-contaminated wastewater using enzyme. To demonstrate its applicability scientifically, we searched for the system and the demand, such as experiments to check the enzyme efficiency in real wastewater and research on the appropriate area to be introduced our system. We will do more practical research and make the model system in PBTS II.