PBTS Report 2015 by Program Students

1st batch students

Anti-Aging Team
One of the PBTS teams, the “anti-aging team”, is studying about some beverages with anti-aging effects. Especially, they focus on the anti-aging ingredients that are contained in Japanese tea. Having learnt the tea manufacturing processes such as steaming and leaf-rolling, they are analysing the effect of the process conditions on the content of ingredients in the leaves.

Education Team
The project of Education Team is aimed at cultivating students’ logical thinking ability through programming. Last year, we visited several schools and the Ministry of Education to investigate what is needed by students and teachers. Currently we are developing a “stepper”, which is a tool that helps novice programmers understand and debug their programs, and reading the literature on class design and student assessment. Our goal is to create a model of a programming class using the stepper and give a trial lecture in a high school.

Synchronization Team
This project relates to “the effect of collagen on aggregating pattern formed in cultured skin fibroblasts.” We are trying to find factors that influence the patterns by analyzing the experimental images of fibroblasts cultured on collagen-coated dishes with different concentrations, and by comparing the experimental data with the simulation results, based on a physical model. We expect that this approach of pattern-affecting factors can be applied to estimating the effect of new cosmetic ingredients on the skin.

Water Team
Our research target is to propose a new water treatment system for purifying oil-contaminated wastewater using enzyme. It is known that enzymes can work efficiently for water treatment, but high cost has limited such application on industrial scale. We now contrived a new treatment system to overcome this problem. Two different approaches have been taken towards this goal; one is to check the efficiency of enzymes with real wastewater, and the other is to make survey for the demand, such as possible countries to introduce our system. More practical research work is under planning.