

舒 康蘭

University of Louisville(アメリカ)


    Assistant professor – David M. Rouffet was my supervisor, who leads the Human Locomotion and Movement Performance Core (HLMP) at the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center in the Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Louisville. The HLMP develops a comprehensive analysis of functional movements involving the lower limbs, trunk and upper limbs in individuals with spinal cord injuries. Currently, the HLMP group is investigating on using transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the cervical spinal cord to improve upper extremity function in a quadriplegic individual.
During the three-month internship at the University of Louisville, the main work I was doing and the activities I attended are listed as following. 1) Helped to fix experiment data by using software Cortex; 2) Calculated spine intersegmental angular kinematics when a spinal cord injury patient’s 11th thoracic vertebrae was applied transcutaneous electrical stimulation; 3) Learned some new software – Cortex, Visual 3D, Python, MATLAB. Basically, I performed my three-month internship in a planned way.

舒 康蘭(ライフサイエンス専攻 人間・環境科学コース M2)
PBTS所属チーム:Mental Health

University of Louisville

University of Louisville

Working group during internship

Working group during internship

馬目 華奈

The University of Edinburgh(イギリス)


 私はイギリス北部に位置するエディンバラ大学で、計算言語学を専門とするMark Steedman教授のご指導のもと、3ヶ月間のインターンシップを行いました。具体的には、文が構成される仕組み(統語論)を用いた自然言語処理の研究を行いました。
馬目 華奈(理学専攻 情報科学コース M2)
PBTS所属チーム:Mental Health


Duong Thi Thu Ha



    I involved and worked as a member of single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) project. The aim of this study is to apply new cutting-edge technique scRNA-seq on identify the pre-clinical/pre-sympomatic stage of diabetes on insulin-under-treated mice. This goal of this project aim to early diagnosis and alert the pre-patient take a good care or take an appropriate treatment to avoid having diabetes.

Duong Thi Thu Ha(ライフサイエンス専攻 生命科学領域 D3)
PBTS所属チーム:Green Filtering

All members of DNA data analysis laboratory

All members of DNA data analysis laboratory

Mt. Fuji

Mt. Fuji