Essential Engineering & Technology for Global Leaders Ⅰ 2018年10月16日開講(日時の変更有) 


10月16日より、Essential Engineering & Technology for Global LeadersⅠを開講します。この科目はグローバル理工学副専攻の履修科目になっていますが、博士前期・後期課程に所属し、関心のある学生であれば、どなたでも履修することができます。なお、講義は英語で行われます。


Tripette特任准教授This course mostly focuses on novel ICT solutions able to positively impact our habits towards healthier lifestyles. The inclusion of accelerometer sensors in technologies that we used every day (smartphones, video games…) allows to monitor the volume of daily physical activity, encouraging active lifestyles and a better management of energy balance. In the future, new ICT will play a crucial role for the prevention of metabolic disorders and the increase of healthy life expectancy. The objective of this course is to make students more familiar with the accelerometer-based mobile health technologies.


Please, join and experience an ‘active’ science class.
The class will start straight with practical exercise. No introduction class will be conducted. The students who are not sure whether they want to take the class are encouraged to ask questions in advance. Inquiries can be addressed at Julien Tripette.
Tel: 03-5978-2036
Office: 総合研究棟、712室


Essential Engineering & Technology for Global LeadersⅠ [18S1022]
Tripette, Julien (お茶の水女子大学プロジェクト教育研究院特任准教授)
10月16日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
10月23日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
10月30日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
11月 6日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
11月13日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
11月20日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
11月27日 3~4限(10:40-12:10)総合研究棟805室
12月 4日 3~4限(10:40-12:10)総合研究棟805室
12月11日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
12月25日 1~4限( 9:00-12:10)総合研究棟805室
Subtitle: Accelerometer-based technologies and health promotion
Essential Engineering & Technology for Global Leaders I is an 8-lecture course. Most of the class content consists in practical exercises. You will use an Arduino board to build an activity tracker. First, you will be introduced to the Arduino environment and write some simple programs. Second, you will build the hardware of your activity tracker. Third, you will design a suitable software to process acceleration data and turn them into intelligible physical activity outcomes. The last class consists of a brief oral presentation of your work during the semester. Ideally students will work in groups of 2 people. Lectures are conducted in “simple” English.

  1. Arduino Workshop (3h)
  2. Physical activity monitor – hardware: 3-axis accelerometer (3h)
  3. Physical activity monitor – hardware: real time clock (3h)
  4. Physical activity monitor – hardware: memory (3h)
  5. Making a case using a 3D printer (3h)
  6. Physical activity monitor – software: acceleration data processing (3h)
  7. Physical activity monitor – software: step-count algorithm (3h)
  8. Final presentation (1h30)

(the above is a tentative plan and might be changed depending on student progresses)

No assignment are given to the students.
However, the students are asked to send the program they wrote, and pictures of the circuit they built after each practical class.
Key references will be made available for students depending on the copyright.
Open-access on-line material is extensively used.


履修登録期間: 10月 1日(月) ~ 10月13日(土)


お茶の水女子大学 リーディング大学院推進センター
Tel: 03-5978-5775