Essential Computer Science for Global LeadersⅠ 2016年4月13日開講  


4月13日よりEssential Computer Science for Global LeadersⅠを開講いたします。この科目は、グローバル理工学副専攻の履修科目(必修)になっていますが、博士前期・後期課程に所属し、関心のある学生であれば、どなたでも履修することができます。なお、講義は英語で行われます。


Bashar特任准教授 Essential fundamental concepts of computer science and their applications will be discussed. Some key topics are from data storage, data manipulation, algorithms and programming languages, graph theory, networking and Internet. Students will also investigate some real-world problems through earned knowledge.


Although e-Computer Science-1 is designed as an interdisciplinary course, students from both fundamental and applied sciences will be benefited. However, regular attendance is important to grasp key concepts of this course. All references are not mandatory. Follow lectures in relaxed mode.
N.B. Contents or the extent of the topics may be refined subject to necessity


科目名 Essential Computer Science for Global LeadersⅠ [16S1004]
講師 BASHAR, Md Khayrul (お茶の水女子大学プロジェクト教育研究院特任准教授)
対象 博士前期・後期課程
場所 人間文化研究科棟 408室 ※サマープログラム(7/13-7/29)中は、教室が変更されます。
内容 日時 講義テーマ
  • 1. Introduction: Overview of ECS1, brief history and major areas in CS, great insights and central questions in CS and some keywords
  • 2. Data representation: Boolean operations and basic logic gates, number systems and conversion, typical data types and their representation; Representing signed and unsigned numbers (integer and fraction)
  • 3. Basic computer operations and data storage: Arithmetic and logic operations; Storing principles and devices (magnetic disks, optical disks, solid state disk, network and online storage); Assignment
  • 4. Computer architecture : Architecture of simple computer, machine language components and instructions, basic instruction cycle with examples
  • 5. Probability and Statistics: Outcomes, events, and probability ; Conditional probability and independence ; Random variables and probability distributions, Information entropy
  • 6. Operating System (OS) : History of operating systems, components of OS and their functions, paging and virtual memory, booting procedure, security of the computer system
  • 7. Test-1
  • 8. Programming-1: Brief history of computer programming; Constants, variables, pointers, references ; basic data types ; Operators and expressions ; Structure of a C/C++ program ; Steps in programming ; Programming practice
  • 9. Programming-2 : Control structures : Branching, looping ; Arrays, vectors, and strings ; Functions : iterative vs. recursive ; dynamic memory allocation ; Programming practice ; Assignment
  • 10. Programming-3: Object-Oriented Programming concept, Structures, Classes and Objects, Programming practice
  • 11. Algorithm1 : Concept, representation, algorithm discovery ; Basic device control applications : Light and sound control with arduino electronics
  • 12. Algorithm2 : Iterative structure (sequential searching, insertion sorting) and recursive structures (binary seraching), algorithmic complexity
  • 13. Network & internet: Common network terms, network classification, history of Internet, Internet addressing, Internet Protocols (TCP/IP), Internet services and applications
  • 14. Graph theory: Overview of Graph theory, related terms and keywords, types of graphs, application examples
  • 15. Test-2
6月 1日(水)10:40~12:10
6月 8日(水)10:40~12:10
7月 6日(水)10:40~12:10
理学部1号館6階 理学部共通図書室
理学部1号館6階 理学部共通図書室
理学部1号館6階 理学部共通図書室


履修登録期間: 4月 8日 ~ 4月22日


お茶の水女子大学 リーディング大学院推進センター
Tel: 03-5978-5775