Essential Computer Science for Global LeadersⅡ 2015年10月5日開講


この度、このコースワークから、Essential Computer Science for Global LeadersⅡを開講することになりました。
講師は、お茶の水女子大学プロジェクト教育研究院のMd. Khayrul Bashar特任准教授が担当します。


Steady increase of the deployment computer systems in many real world applications made computer science and engineering an inevitable discipline in the current epoch of human history. Along with electronics, it drives the information revolution following industrial and agricultural revolutions. Future progress and the ultimate shape of this planet will largely depend on how the next generation global leaders are going to be equipped with essential knowledge on computer science and engineering. In this course, light will be shed on some advanced topics involving data structures, artificial intelligence, information security, the design and control of electronic devices for some real world applications.


科目名 Essential Computer Science for Global LeadersⅡ [15S1011]
講師 Md. Khayrul Bashar(お茶の水女子大学プロジェクト教育研究院特任准教授)
対象 博士前期・後期課程
場所 人間文化研究科棟408室*10/5のみ人間文化研究科棟604室
開講日時 10月5日(月) 10:40~12:10
Information Security (InfoSec) :
InfoSec-1 : Basic concepts and keywords on information security, Public-Key Cryptography
10月12日(月祝) 10:40~12:10 InfoSec-2 : Biometric security basics, Theory of recognition, Comparison of key technologies: fingerprint, face, iris, voice, and retina identification;
Recent trend in biometric security
10月19日(月) 10:40~12:10 InfoSec-3 : Develop a biometric identification system – Part-1 (A hand-on Experience using Matlab programming, camera, and computer)
10月26日(月) 10:40~12:10 InfoSec-4 : Developing a biometric identification system – Part-2 (A hand-on Experience using Matlab programming, camera and computer).
11月2日(月) 10:40~12:10 InfoSec-5 : Developing a biometric identification system –Part-3 (A hand-on Experience using Matlab programming, camera, and computer) ;
Evaluation-1: Essay/report
11月9日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-6: Artificial Neural Network and Learning (ANN)
ANN-1 : Why ANN ?, Brief History, Challenging computing problems, Biological neural network
ANN-2 : Computational model of neurons, network architecture, Learning basics.
Lecture-7: ANN-3: Perceptron learning algorithm and application
11月23日(月祝) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-8: ANN-4 : Back-propagation algorithm and application ;
Evaluation-2 : Assignment/Test
12月7日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-9: Device Control Applications (DCA)
DCA-1 : Introduction to arduino electronics; Programming basics on device control with examples-1 (C/C++ Programming)
12月14日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-10: DCA-2 : Programming basics for device control with examples-2
(C/C++ Programming)
12月21日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-11: DCA-3 : Interactive sessions of making circuits and control their operations
(Example applications : spaceship interface, temperature-light interface, touch-lamp and musical instrument)
1月4日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-12: DCA-4 : Introduction to arduino robot; Programming basic for robot control with examples-1 (C Programming)
1月11日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-13: DCA -5: Programming basic for robot control with example-2 ; Project : Create a simple arduino mobile robot to find obstacles and/or track following – Part1
1月18日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-14: DCA -6 : Create a simple arduino mobile robot – Part-2
1月25日(月) 10:40~12:10 Lecture-15: DCA -7 : Create a simple arduino mobile robot – Part-3 ;
Evaluation-3 : Report



Although e-Computer Science-2 is designed as an interdisciplinary course, students from both fundamental and applied sciences will be benefited. However, regular attendance is important to grasp key concepts of this course. All references are not mandatory. Follow lectures in relaxed mode.
N.B. Contents or the extent of the topics may be refined subject to necessity



履修登録期間: 10月 1日 ~ 10月14日


お茶の水女子大学 リーディング大学院推進センター
Tel: 03-5978-5775