ジェンダー学際研究専攻 ジェンダー論領域
Doctoral Degree in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences

Field of Knowledge

The School of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (SIGS) was established in 2005 as the first Doctoral level program of its kind in Japan.

Objectives and History

In July, 2003, “Frontiers of Gender Studies (F-GENS)” was selected by the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science to receive a large scale grant establishing it as a COE (Center of Excellence) program. According to the Ministry, the 21st Century COE program was established in order to increase the competitiveness of Japanese universities and to enhance their role in the international academic community.

Past and present researchers in women’s studies, feminist criticism and gender/sexuality studies as well as activists, stateswomen, statesmen, administrators and other people have devoted themselves to the realization of gender equality. The Basic Law on Gender Equality legislated in 1999 also made an important contribution to recent growing awareness of gender problematics. The institutional base of gender studies in Japan, however, is at the threshold. Its improvement is all the more imperative when Japanese society is currently experiencing profound structural changes.

Gender-sensitive Development Studies

Development is a process of building economic, political and socio-cultural conditions for the self-actualization of individuals, women and men, through fostering of their innate capabilities. A gender-sensitive analysis is indispensable in achieving this goal.

Linkage of Theories and Practices

To meet the increasing demand for gender-sensitive development, both within Japan and abroad, we provide an intellectual space where university researchers and development practitioners can meet and exchange experiences so as to mutually enrich their thinking.

Interdisciplinary Approach

To deal with complex development issues, the instructional faculty is recruited from a variety of disciplines: anthropology, sociology, geography, economics, and gender studies. This enables them to promote an interdisciplinary approach to gender issues.
